This practice serves all patients regardless of ability to pay. Discounts for essential services are offered based on household size and income. Read More.

Learn about Cold Hollow Family Practice

Learn about Cold Hollow Family Practice


Patient-centered means you will be surrounded by a dedicated team of health professionals working together to meet all of your individual health care needs.

As your medical home, we are the most familiar with your health and individual preferences so you can maintain your optimal health.

Medical Home

Your medical home is here for you to manage all aspects of your health. We will use technology like electronic medical records to communicate with each other and coordinate your care. You can communicate with your team and access your health records using our secure patient portal. When you are due for a test, for instance, we will send you a reminder to come in for a visit with your team.
That level of familiarity is what medical home is all about— we want you feel “at home” with your health when you work with us.

Benefits of Patient Centered Medical Home

Who is on the patient-centered medical home team? Your primary care provider leads your care team, which includes your doctor or nurse practitioner, a nurse or medical assistant, a care coordinator, schedulers and a medical biller. Our team acts as “coaches” who help you get healthy, stay healthy, and get the care and services that are right for you.

How does a patient-centered medical home benefit you?

  • Continuity of care. Since it is so important for your team to know you, we ask that you select one primary care provider for all your care needs. When your provider is out of the office, the other one can cover for urgent needs.
  • Same-day access. You can communicate with us easily and when it is convenient for you through our secure patient portal. If you think you need to be seen today, we will see you during office hours.
  • We know you and your health history. We know about your personal and family situations, so call or message us before you seek treatment elsewhere.
  • Shared decision making and self-management support. We explain your options and help you make decisions and set goals for yourself.
  • Coordinated care—even if we are not the ones giving you the care. We will help you find specialists, arrange appointments, and make sure they have the information they need to care for you. When you go to the Emergency Department or are admitted to a hospital, we will make sure we have all the information and that you get recommended after-care.
  • We have information technology such as electronic medical records and sharing records with you and your other providers helps prevent medical errors.

Our Health Providers

Every one of our health providers is dedicated to delivering the most compassionate care to every member of your family.

What Our Patients Say